Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

News Update.......Where's the hot house??

Went to the allotment on Sunday to plant some raspberry canes I had given to me. Hubby went into the allotments first so when he said "I can't see the hot house" I thought he was joking. Then I looked and it had been blown away, lucky for us not onto someones plot or they might of been a bit peed off. The poles are bent and some snapped. The plastic may have a couple of holes too but nothing gaffa tape won't sort out i'm sure. Been thinking of new ways to build a frame to use the cover. Have decided to make a wooden one and some plumbers blue tubing for the roof. Thats our project over Easter now.

Sowed to types of parsnips while I was there, hollow crown and tender & true. Hoping that some come true or no parnips for us next year.

Transplanted my peas and covered with some mesh. Bet the slugs get them instead. Only trouble is they have taken up more room than thought so may have to squash them up a bit as I have a second sowing just starting to show.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

To all us Mothers out there.

These are the lovely selection of cards made for me by my boys.

I'm off to the allotment today to plant some raspberry canes I had given to me and also sow my parsnip seeds.

Pictures to follow.....................

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Summer weather in March.

This weather this week has really spoilt us but I was very happy as I had a chance this week to go to the allotment and do a bit and with the sun shinning it feels so much better.

Last weekend Hubby rotivated our new plot as best he could as the machine kept cutting out. Hopefully that will be sorted out soon as I want to rotivate were my spuds are going. We purchased a hot house/greenhouse made of plastic to grow some crops in. At the weekend we put it together and put it one way then by Monday we decided that we would prefer it round the other way so during the week with the help of our 3 1/2 year old I turned it round.

Went to the allotment this morning and finished off preparing the inside, digging over and now its its ready for action. Come you seedlings......... The wind has come up this evening so I just hope its still there in the morning.

What are you going to grow in there I hear you say.... well I have two different sorts of melons that i'm looking forward to trying to grow and about three different types of cucumbers, aubergines, chillis, sweet peppers & tomatoes.

Here are my chilli plants that have been repotted.

Last Saturday I went to visit my Uncle and had a look round his allotment. He gave me some rhubarb plants, strawberry runners and three lovely looking spinach plants. I was very happy to get some strawberry plants as my seeds didn't germinate at all.

In the week I got the parsnip beds ready for sowing but havn't actually sowed them yet as by the time they were ready I heard we may have snow. Talking to another allotment holder today I should still sow my parsnips as they are very hardy. May try and do the parsnips then tomorrow. I'm growing to varietys Hollow Crown & Tender and True.

The broad beans are doing well and I sprayed them in the week incase we have an attack of black fly. In the bed along from the broad beans will go my peas Onward Early variety. I have about 16 plants ready to go in and i've done another sowing which are just starting to show.

I have weeded around my Bordeux spinach ( which didn't do very well) and curly kale which has been my best producing veg so far. Prepared another bed at the end for something else to go in which won't be hard as I have lots of seeds.

We managed to have some spring greens in Feb before the birds ate them as I didn't cover with net in time. I planted 30 but have lost most of them there maybe a hand full left to eat.

The purple sprouting broccolli is coming along nicley now and we had some for dinner in the week.