Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our first New potatoes

and here they are. They were saved potatoes from last year. They could be Duke of York.Had a busy day at the allotment as the grass was very long, I managed to get hold of a petrol lawn mower which was brillant. I roped hubby into cutting the grass as I couldn't manged as it keep cutting out as it was so long and the ground is very uneven. Everything is in full swing now growing well. Courgettes are starting to form i'm growing green and yellow as well as patty pan too. Runner beans are looking ok not as good as other plot holders but..........maybe they aren't the dark leaf sort. Again they are a saved seed from last year even though when looking through my seed collection I had brought a couple of packets. French beans are starting to flower. Lots of cabbages are in and cauliflowers too. Still have brocolli and savoy cabbage to plant but I need some more net. Kohl Rabi I planted yesterday looked a bit dead today but maybe they will come alive again.

Garlic was ready to harvest and it was a good crop. I grew two types Garden centre Cristo and a couple of blubs from the green grocers. Both came up with the same results really not much different but i'm yet to try them and also see if the cloves formed ok. the picture is of cristo.

Jaguar peas and we had our first crops of these today too. Never managed peas before so i'm very pleased.

I found another packet of peas Kelvedon Wonder and planted this too and they are coming through nicley too.

Swiss chard
This evening was a lovely meal it was great to be able to have our veg again as we haven't had anything really since the PSB and kale & cabbage. I've brought the odd cauli and one head of brocolli, carrots but mainly had frozen sweetcorn and peas so looking forward to the change. We had broad beans (first crop this year), spinach, new potatoes with fish. I even manged a pudding of look at these (from our back garden)

They were the best so sweet. Have a good week everyone hope we get a little rain as i've got a busy week so will not manage to get the allotment.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I've manged to grow crops that I didn't last year.

I grew real spinach this year, a bit of touch and go but succesful i'm pleased to say. I started them off in the greenhouse and decided to tranfer them to the plot. Ok no probs I thought but next day they looked as if they had died. With all the rain we had early May did them I world of good and this is my crop. Only thing is they look as if they are going to seed.Here are the chicks now. We only have Peach and Spike as Ginger went off on her own adventures with a Cat or fox maybe. Peach isn't laying eggs yet nor has Spike started to crow but i'm sure it won't be long unless he thinks he is a girl too.

I was down the allotment the other night and my neighbour was sowing some seeds so me being nosey I asked what he was planting and he said "parnips". "Parsnips" I said "Your a bit late!" As mine had come to nothing I thought what have I got to lose and sowed some myself. He said he sowed them last year in May so I'll be pleased if I get baby parsnips for Christmas 08. I remember him asking what mine were last year with good looking foilage he must of liked them.

My peas are looking good this year too. Jaguar is the variety by T&M and i've sown another variety too which are just poking their heads though. Last year peas were no go for me so thats another bonus.

I've got my poor olde brussels to go in which have a touch of white fly. I will plant them next week alone with mowing the grass which is very long. Cauliflowers to go in and red cabbage, kohl rabi, and some other bits and pieces.

My lovely house neighbour brought me a challege as he thought a melon plant. I did sow some from seed too but what a lovely thought. Lets see whos does better as the garden centre plant is bigger then mine but remember ladies its not the size that counts.......

On a final note some nice rain in London today (Thursday) which makes good allotmenteering for the weekend but I'm sorry I won't be there as i'm off enjoying myself away in Eastbourne (no I don't have a bus pass). Have a good weekend to everyone that reads this x