As i've said before my allotment has somewhat taken a back seat and I haven't done half as much as I did last year around this time but to my surprise I had some dinner veg waiting for me there. Some I missed and it had gone to far but one dinner was enough to enlighten we back to growing my own. White sprouting brocolli.The garlic has had a spurt on and i'm not surprised in this glorious weather we are having at the moment. Its t-shirt weather to wear in the garden working - I love it!
The chicory is going well can anyone help as to how to cook or what sort of thing to do with it.
Parsnips they are the monkey of all veg. You sow them can be a couple of times to get something and the following year they start growing where you don't want them. Here is my little lot I got digging over for onion sets to go in.
Yesterday Saturday 100 onions sets went in, but I have a feeling I have planted them too close and 12 shallots. Monday weather permitting i've got another 100 red onion sets and broad beans to plant. Here in the back garden mixed lettuce i've sow along with some peas & sweet peas. Strawberry plants i'm wanting to be planted up at the lot as I have quite a few.