I'm back
Yes its been six months and a bit since i last posted. I lost interest a bit in my allotment as I didn't have time to visit as much as I wanted. Looking at the photos of the veg I produced has made me think 'Come on girl lets get growing!' Please leave me a comment to help me on my way.
I had 10 poles in total but last year just as fees were due I went down to 5 so hopefully i can keep on top of things this year.
I did sow some broad beans last year direct at the allotment and also at home in pots. For some reason the ones at home in pots in the plastic greenhouse have killed over and are looking at the floor so they may survive.
Sowed garlic direct not the sort I really wanted but at least i'll have some for this year. The garlic I grew last year did us well and lasted a while.
I've got kale growing at the allotment i hope.....
Well i've planned to visit the allotment tomorrow (Sunday) and i'll try and take some pictures to start this year off.