Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Here i am

I'm a black croad. Lovely big bird with fluffy legs.

Its the London Marathon today, my son's St George's Day church parade with Cubs and its raining but I still got to the allotment to plant some spuds and seeds woo hoo...
Planted: Charlotte, Pink fir apple & king edward potatoes.
Parsnip (Improved hollow crowned),
Carrot (Chantenay red cored 2)
Beetroot ( Globe 2)
An organic leek ( Pandora)
Sowed some more runner beans direct with canes already in for support. This year I will try and not let them take over. Got some for the back yard allotment too so I suppose i'll be over ran this year now.
Had a brilliant weekend getting the allotment sorted and just feel really happy thats it coming together now.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Finally got there

to the allotment this morning to water the ground as it was so hard so that I could plant a few potatoes tomorrow & parnip seeds. I know i'm very late but its finding time. I've covered over half of one side with plastic as I don't think i'll have very much going in this year. I managed to get some ground prepared for planting tomorrow. I'm pleased to say my raspberries survived the move and are coming along nicely. The greenhouse now needs about 5-6 pains of glass so that will be done in a couple of weeks. The garlic is up and looking good. The onions are through. Broad beans are just showing. I also mowed the grass so all in all alot was done today.
The other news is we went to collect the black croad chick to keep the light sussex company. Its just settling in. I brought 6 more hatching eggs and they have gone in the incubator so lets see what we get this time. A picture will follow shortly.
The back yard allotment is going strong, lettuce, beetroot, spinach seeds are all showing. I now have 2 tomatoes seeds growing and the courgette & olgen melen have just come through.
Sunday tomorrow so parnips here we come x

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The chick 5 days old

The wings are starting to form long feathers. It has a little friend coming on Saturday to keep it company.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

First pics of our new light sussex x chick

Friday, April 16, 2010

New Flash!

one of the eggs in the incubator is pipping and could hatch today. Woke up with that oh no its Friday feeling but now can't wait to see the fluffy little chick. Lets pray all goes well and it has a mate to keep it warm and company.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A big thank you

This was my allotment before:

and this is what it looks like now after all the hard work my husband and boys put in for me. Little tot did really working the whole time with his Dad but my other son didn't last the distance and came home to do the lunch run for the workers. Just need it to rain now so that I can break up the clumbs easier. The allotment has been divided into beds so that it shouldn't feel like I have no much to do.

If we do get some rain next week then I may get some parsnip seeds in as i'm very late. Got some seed potatoes to put in too.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

I could see it

I candled my eggs this evening in the incubator and could actually see one chick moving around. I'm really happy because at least I may hatch one at least. 6 eggs wonder how many will hatch??

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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Salad seeds planted

Our back garden allotment is coming together. The raised bed is in place costing £56 and filled with compost £12 so heres hoping we have lots of salad stuff to make it worth its cost.

I've moved the thyme plant into the bed and put in some broad beans that needed a home as very long and leaning all over the place. I've sow, carrots, musselburgh leeks, solo beetroot & spring onions. Under the clotche, pak choi, little gem, Bloomsdale spinach and lakeland lettuce.
I haven't got to the allotment so far this Easter weekend. The weather is quite nippy really when the sun isn't out.