Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

One Barnevelder chick

born over night. My little lad heard chipping and scatching this morning when he got up at 6am and come to tell me. No sign of the others hatching yet.

Sunday - a Lincolnshire Buff born overnight!!

Got it wrong the day as to what breed hatched first.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chicks getting big.

Tock the black one didn't want his picture taken and kept jumping back into the cage.

Tick and Tock are 4 weeks old now. This weekend we could have some new additions as the eggs are due to hatch Saturday. Exciting stuff!!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

My strawberries have flowers

They have grown quickly since being at the allotment last couldn't believe to see the nice white flowers on the strawberry plants. I carried on weeding round the rest of the plants that I didn't do before. Only hope I get a strawberry before the birds eat them all. Think its time to fight with that netting again to cover them over. Don't you just hate netting, it tangles on nothing or finds a little twig or weed to get caught on. Netting arghhhh!!! I planted my courgettes out at the allotment as well as our back yard. Hope we don't get a frost or we will lose them. We got the greenhouse ready for the cucumbers, melons & chilli plants as they are all up and showing now. Went to Asda and brought 4 bags of compost, did my back in getting in the trolley then trying to push the trolley so won't do that again. I need alot of glass for the greenhouse as since the move we have a few broken. Its going to cost me an arm and leg as I went into one glass shop and they wanted £4.50 per sheet and I need 9. I've ordered 2 more little poly tunnels for the back yard so hoping to get my cauliflowers sown and cabbages. The hatching eggs have one more week to go. Tick and Tock had a little outing this week to visit a pre school. The children were all very excited to see them and would like them to come back in a couple of weeks so that they can see how they have grown. Right then thats about it. I'm off to soak my dried peas that i'm sowing tomorrow to eat as pea shoots and I better do my sweetcorn too as they need along time to grow. Have a good week everyone!!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Tick & Tock 13 days old

Monday, May 03, 2010

Wet & windy back holiday

Not very much gardening can be done. Been shopping, well looking for a small plastic poly tunnel which I can't seem to find anywhere this year to keep my cauliflowers & red cabbages covered in the back yard allotment. I'm now trying to get myself into the mood to pop to the allotment.
The hatching eggs are coming along nicely and I candeled them last night and it looks like 5 chicks are growing. The other two chicks now have names Tick & Tock.