Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I will not be beaten by onion seedlings!!

Decided to go and prepare a bed for sowing some broad beans after not really knowing where to put them. Dug it over and prepared with growmore ready for planting next weekend. This is the first time I have used growmore as last year I didn't use anything on the ground.

To the right of the picture are my parsnips with my shadow nicely over them. I'm hoping the parsnips are doing well as I want them for Christmas dinner. Can't believe Christmas is only a couple of months away.

Next I weeded around the garlic, don't they look fine. They came up in three weeks of planting, boy thats quick. Just shows how warm it been

Top of the picture are leeks and they got weeded too as I was getting well into the swing of it.

Next to the leeks to the left I planted onion's from seed. I've watched the grass growing well around them and not much going on with the onions, so I decided to weed. Speaking to other people they say they don't use seed as it too much effort but they aren't going to beat me. Weeding around them was quite relaxing but you just have to keep control and not let your mind wander as you would chop the onions down too. After spending a good while weeding I looked and thought "hold on a minute, they can go after the onion sets I planted" and moved them to here, look below.

So at the top are the onion sets that are just sprouting as I dug one up mistake and then the onion seed which will need to be thinned out next year. Hope they do ok me moving them. This ground will be better for them as its been prepared with growmore.

The lettuce seed are up too after only 5 days, now it just a case of getting them to grow before being eaten.

Picked this lovely broccoli weighing in at 400g, not bad going seeing someone said pull it up to make room for the next crop. Luckly I haven't used up all my plot this year so I could leave it in I suppose. I've also been told you can leave broccoli in the ground and cut off just above the surface and it will sprout again the following year.

Last thing sorted out the cabbage bed and pulled up the carrots that were at one end and sweet pepper plants as they aren't going to be growing any more and now that bed looks tidy too.


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