Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Luckly I had help......Thanks Mum

I didn't realise how time consuming preparing veg can be. Mum and I must of spent at least 3 hrs Christmas Day in the kitchen fiddling around with brussels, cabbages, dirty carrots & parnips. Mum laughed when I opened the bag of dirty parnips and said "oh I haven't see veg looking like that for years". Talking and having a drink made the time go quick.

Well I forgot to take a photo in the end of my veg but I managed to get one of the left overs for the next day of some of it. In the end we managed to have all home grown veg so the list was potatoes, parnips, swede & carrott mash, savoy cabbage and brussel sprouts, pretty good going I think for our first year.

The allotment now just needs a lot of digging so i'm hoping to get a rotivator at some point to help me along and annoy the neighbours a bit more next year. I might even get some manure to put down but where does the time fly when there is so much to do.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!!

Wishing everyone that read my blog the best of health for next year and may one of your dreams come true.

Well i'm done it managed to grow some veg for Christmas dinner this year. The only sad thing is that my sister can't part take in this event as I sadly lost her back in October. But please do not be glum reading this but just think enjoy life the best as you can as you never know when it will end.

Went to the allotment this morning harvested veg ready to prepare for Christmas dinner tomorrow.
Brussel sprouts are a mixed bunch really big, small & also blown ones. I've read you can stir fry the blown ones so i'm sure they will all get used somehow in our house and will be blowing well too.

One thing that did make me laugh someone said their brussels were the size of hamster balls and I have a few like that too.

Next was the parnips and the rain has done them well and i'm really pleased with the results as it took me two attempts to try and grow any. The weeds did take over at one point.

We also have picked three little savoy cabbage to have with our turkey and I think i've left about 3/4 in the ground to get a little bigger.

Hello leeks you are looking good too.

Had a little tidy up....well picked up the leaves from the brussels and some cardboard that was breaking up put it on the compost.

Have fun this Christmas time and i'll let you see the cooked results tomorrow xx

Sunday, December 10, 2006

We have a flower.....

In our back gardenI have cauliflowers seedlings ready for planting next spring checking on them in the week two have started forming a cauliflower already. Thought I better plant them on there own just incase they need more feed from the soil to grow as they were only in trays.

Well i'm glad I visited the allotment yesterday (Saturday) as this morning it very icy as we have had a frost.

Down on the allotment yesterday I managed to get some black plastic down on the fruit plot to keep the weeds (grass) at bay before next year when we can rotivate (if we get a another one).

I'm also reusing the chicken straw in the front of picture to keep the weeds down and it will do the ground good too. The weeds on out first plot don't seem too bad where there isn't anything growing but alot has cardboard down.

These are the frames that I said about which I will grow strawberry's in a couple and salad crops in another. I think they look good and i'm hoping Hubby can get some more from work when they come up.

Broad beans are growing up nicely now its just a case of stopping slugs and others from eating them so I put tea leaves down to try and stop them.

The onion seedlings are coming along nicely now as I did both sets and seeds. The picture shows the seed ones which I will thin out next spring.

Garlic will like this frost as i've read it will start the clove to start bulbing up and so will my parnips too.

Collected up some veg for Sunday dinner parnips, kale and leeks. Staked up the PSB as they were leaning all over my spring cabbages stopping the light to them. Brought some PSB leaves I took off for the chickens and made a muddy way back to the car.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

How proud am I

I've got parsnips

They aren't that big like I said baby ones but they smell most delicious shame I wasn't having them tonight. I just had to dig some up just to see how they were doing.

Picked some leeks while I was there and brocolli too. Yes the brocolli is still shooting for me even though the birds have started eating the leaves.

This afternoon when I decided to pop to the allotment for a look and pick some veg I just got out the front door after collecting my gloves and boots when it started to rain. By the time I got to the allotment the heavens opened and it fell down. Great! I thought and sat and waiting for it to pass. It slowed down alot so we made down to out plot. Muddy was an understatment and the cardboard was slippy I nearly went over at one point.

Broad beans have started showing and I moved the clothe from the carrotts so they have some rain and covered with the fleece instead. The savoy cabbage aren't that big next year i'll have to get them in earlier I think so we will be having baby savoy on Christmas day. The spring cabbage look ok. All the onions and garlic are doing well. I forgot the camera lucky really as it was raining so if I get down there again tomorrow i'll try and get some pics.