We have a flower.....
In our back gardenI have cauliflowers seedlings ready for planting next spring checking on them in the week two have started forming a cauliflower already. Thought I better plant them on there own just incase they need more feed from the soil to grow as they were only in trays.
Well i'm glad I visited the allotment yesterday (Saturday) as this morning it very icy as we have had a frost.
Down on the allotment yesterday I managed to get some black plastic down on the fruit plot to keep the weeds (grass) at bay before next year when we can rotivate (if we get a another one).
I'm also reusing the chicken straw in the front of picture to keep the weeds down and it will do the ground good too. The weeds on out first plot don't seem too bad where there isn't anything growing but alot has cardboard down.
These are the frames that I said about which I will grow strawberry's in a couple and salad crops in another. I think they look good and i'm hoping Hubby can get some more from work when they come up.
Broad beans are growing up nicely now its just a case of stopping slugs and others from eating them so I put tea leaves down to try and stop them.
The onion seedlings are coming along nicely now as I did both sets and seeds. The picture shows the seed ones which I will thin out next spring.
Garlic will like this frost as i've read it will start the clove to start bulbing up and so will my parnips too.
Collected up some veg for Sunday dinner parnips, kale and leeks. Staked up the PSB as they were leaning all over my spring cabbages stopping the light to them. Brought some PSB leaves I took off for the chickens and made a muddy way back to the car.
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