The first big news that I have is about the trail I did on the no dig method for some new potatoes for Christmas which I recorded on Tues 19th Sept Blog. Well here they are....
They did better than my potatoes earlier in the year. Yes I know its not Christmas but I got curious as to whether they grew or not so while I was waiting for a lift home I thought i'd dig them up. Got a couple of large ones and some have a few holes but they grew which is brillant. These potatoes could be from shop brought ones as I know there were a few to be planted as they had started growing. I am now starting to think as to whether its worth planting potatoes next year and try a variety in the no dig method again. Every time you mow the lawn just put the clippings down like I did with these. Trouble is I can see me asking neighbours for there lawn clippings and yes they would diff think I was mad or getting there.
Pulled the first of my leeks too not sure what for but could so down well in a soup.
This morning I decided to go to alloment but my hubby took the car with the allotment key on it, after getting changed and realizing that I wouldn't get in the gate I still took a stroll down with Morris & Little tot in tow. After a few looks as to what Morris was I got there and no other allotment holders were around so to climb the gate was the only option. Must of looked kind of strange, woman, kid and animal going over the gate but we made it.
These are my carrots that didn't do that well really but if I can keep them we have a few for Christmas dinner. Alot have been eaten and some I pulled had the eaters still in them, so if I didn't dig them up now I might not of had any at all. Only hope my parsnips next to them are ok and not being eaten too.
My cheeky hen thought she would have one doesn't she realise how hard i'm trying to kept veg for 25th Dec.
I did get back to the lot last weekend and sowed some Nantes Frubund and put a cloche over them so I should have spring carrots. Its been fairly mild really but the clothe can stay over them anyway.Harvested some curly kale for dinner Sunday and also some spinach. I made some quiches using the spinach, leek and our hens eggs.
Don't look bad do they? They tasted good too. Had to do individual ones as didn't have enough pastry for the size of the baking tray I had.
Thats it for now. Not sure i'll have anything to report next weekend as nothing much going on but I think i'll be ordering my seed spuds for next year soon.
Have a good week, thanks for looking x
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