Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

A little help from my friends.

My Little Tot and Morris came down last Sunday to help do a spot of digging. Tot was well away with the spade building up his muscles and Morris did brillantly digging holes.
The butternut squash and french beans plants have all been dug up now and I gave it a dig over. I'm hoping our rotivator gets sorted out before next year so that it can go over it again. In one week you can see the weeds coming through already. Put some cardboard down over half this area to stop the weeds.

We are thinking of the potatoes going in this area next spring.

While the three of us were busy this side Hubby was in the fruit area digging one bed over.

No not the one guy in the blue shirt thats the scarecrow, yes I know you can hardly see him but he is there honest!

Went to the allotment today (Saturday 28th October) and planted my broad beans (Aquadulce Claudia) in the bed a prepared last weekend. This year I have planted 64 seeds straight in the ground compared to last year I planted in seed trays and planted out the following year.

Moved some cardboard around and that was about it for today and this weekend as I won't get down tomorrow. Picked some brocolli & kale for dinner.


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