I have now got some more hens (looking from left to right) a white egg layer which is a White Leghorn 4-5 weeks old. In the middle a mix breed (Elvis)which will produce a green egg and last of all a blue layer 6-8 weeks old which is a Cream Legbar. I only just got the first two this morning and have all got on well together which i'm really pleased as the poor Cream legbar was having a ruff time on her own as the Welbar wasn't being very nice either. I've put them in an ark for the time being as the white one is very small at the moment to be with the other 3.
Here is Morris the ferret we have had him for a year now. Watch out Morris you may have some friends coming to see you in the future. Girl fiends that is....
The allotment is coming along got another patty pan at last so that makes two but more are forming. One out of three plants doing well in size. Picked some lettuce not sure why as we didn't eat it yesterday. We had two yellow tomatoes yesterday at last and I have picked some cherry toms to ripen at home. I've lost alot to ..could be blight or when we had the cold snap a while back after the warm weather at Easter.
I'm off up the allotment now to get some purple beans for dinner and pick a cauliflower for in the week. I'll try and get a better picture of Leghorn, Elvis & Legbar.
Back from lot and this is todays harvest, we have a melon on the way in the greenhouse......