Beans are here
I'm pleased to have runner beans to eat as I was getting a little tired of cabbage. First picking 750g and plenty of flowers on there for plenty more. The purple french beans have lots of flowers and have two beans forming.
Fennel is ready for picking also kohl rabi. The kohl rabi tasted like turnips really, i'm going to try it raw next time in a salad.
Carrots have been really good this year must be the rain and I even got some purple ones too. Not tasted yet so i'll let you know.
Harvested the rest of my International Kidney Greenford Royals potatoes, I have left them in a bit long so they are very big and not nice new spuds. The mashed up ok this evening after I left them on the cooker a bit too long and they fell apart.
The second lot of cauliflowers are starting to form (All year round) but only about 6-8 plants. I've got a purple type to be planted up as they are getting a little too big so they can go where the Greenford Royals were near all the brassics.
Started some lettuce off the other week again as the last lot didn't too to well and I think the birds are eating it so this time i've covered with a net. Spinach, red top turnips & more beetroot coming through well. Plenty more beetroot to pick too. My only dissapointment has been the patty pan which I have only got one where as people growing courgettes have loads. Picked two more cucumbers and thats it on the plant at the moment. Not sure if any more will form or thats it. We tried swiss chard the other day it was a bit like spinach, the stem was nice and crunchy and that went well in a stir fry the following day.
I'm 7 weeks today. Shortly I should have some friends coming around my age to play. I'm very cheeky as I come out of the run through the fence at the moment but only for another week i'd say as once i'm on growers to eat i'll put on weight.
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