Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Heres the surprise....

Our hen has hatched an egg yesterday or today. Its a Welbar and i'm told its a girl so thats brilliant news. The hen was given 6 eggs 2 welbars, 2 maran bantam & 2 cream legbars. I'm hoping we get a girl cream legbar but even if we don't I dead chuffed that I have one chick. What a good hen keeping the eggs warm. Its a lovely sound hearing little chirps from the chick and mother talking to her too.
Along with this news we have had our first new potatoes Duke of york this week.
Starting to harvest the cauliflowers and greyhound cabbage.

The greyhound cabbage was very nice bright in colour and fresh in taste. I prefered it to the offenham 2 I had before.

At last I managed to get some french beans to germinate and they are doing well. They are a purple dwarf variety. So far only one yellow bean has germinated and no green beans. planted up some more sweetcorn direct this time see how they go. Fennel, carrots and parnips are coming along well.

Little gem and webb lettuce have been thinned out. Little gem are well again now and starting to get bigger. Webb last night still looked at little floppy but if we have rain tonight they will perk up i'm sure.
The globe artichoke is doing well, haven't got a clue how to cook or eat but looks like i'll have a few to play with.


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