Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Potatoes, spuds, tatties

After all the hard work putting in the potatoes today so we thought we would have chips with fish of course.

Had to get our 2nd earlies Wilja & Nadine and also our main crop of Desiree & King Edward. Hubby rotivated the new plot we took over and I went mad buying 6kgs each of 2nd earlies and main.

Its doesn't look that tidy yet with nice little hills but i'm sure that will come when they start growing.

Got some carrott seed in where the bamboo stick is. In the box at the end I have planted some Little Gem & Webb lettuce with some turnips.

Thanks to Hubby for all his hard work rotivating this weekend and digging the trenches for me for the potatoes saved my hand from playing up.

Some arial pictures of out plot.

Planting out our first earlies pots.

The cabbages/cauliflowers are planted right of the photo only trouble caulis not doing very well keep being eaten so may end up with none. Broad beans and peas behind me and my two lovelies next to me.


Blogger Unknown said...

Perhap's you could use hubby as a scarecrow and save your cabbages.... just a thought x

11:32 pm  

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