Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Greenhouse produce

The greenhouse is going mad, i've over planted but never mind. We had our first cucumber and chillis last week. Aubergines are coming into flower and a couple more cucumbers coming. The lemon cue is starting to come back to life after a shaky start as it got black fly.

The carrots have done really well this year also my parsnips its a hard job though trying to keep it weed free. Have got another two types of carrots growing a purple type and ball one so lets hope they turn as as good as these.

Been harvesting cauliflowers, fennel and greyhound cabbages.
Beetroot, radishes and snowball turnips and coming up trumps too. I had to pick the beetroot as the leaves were so perfect so we ate them as a lettuce which was very nice.

Our potatoes did brillant this year think the rain helped. Plenty for us and to give away too. Duke of york all dug up plenty of Greenford royals left and some charlottes. Where the Duke of York were i've planted brocolli, and romanesco and cury kale. PSB has gone in but over near the main spuds. We did alot of work this weekend clearing the weeds to get the PSB in. Yellow french beans went in where I had onions and purple beans next to the kale.
Savoy cabbages are in after the broad beans. Tomatoes have lots of flowers so fruit are in sight.


Blogger dee said...

The fennel looks great. Must grow some next year. is it too late this year, when did you plant yours?

10:23 am  
Blogger Our allotment said...

I tried to reply before without any luck. I planted these in May which were young seedlings. Last sowing date I think is June I can't check the packet as I gave the rest away.

Thanks for the comment.

6:59 pm  

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