Our allotment

Sometimes my little haven for peace & quiet where I love to grow things I can share with my family & friends.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hello Everyone

I know its been a while. I've been so busy with other things so this took the back seat. Well i'm hoping now that I can carry on. The allotment has been left a bit as well but today I went there and actually got my hands dirty and did some weeding and digging. Pat on the back to me. I was losing faith in the allotment but after the children asking if they are eating home grown veg and me having to say no I thought go on girl get it sorted so here I start for 2009.

Dug up one patch of leeks so going to have some of them for dinner. The rabbit we no longer have due to it not being very friendly, well to me anyway and we are down to 4 chickens over winter after having to feed mr fox.

My computer is playing up and I just hope its not on the way out. Have a good week x


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